Year 1 2024 - 2025
Welcome to the Year One Class Page
Class Teacher: Mrs Knowles
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Mills, Miss Davis, Mrs Leyland, Miss Purnell and Mrs Karikari
Hello and welcome to the spring term!
Our Christian value this half term is Hope
Year One author of the term is Nick Butterworth.
We will be enjoying listening to Nick's stories and using his work to create our own writing.
Within History, we will continue to learn about how our lives have changed in living memory.
Our Geography learning will take us all over the world investigating continents, oceans, countries of the UK and capital cities. We will also be discovering hot and cold places across the world.
Within Maths, children will be working on place value and addition and subtraction within 20, moving on to length and height followed by mass and volume.
Our Science learning will provide us with opportunities to investigate materials and their properties.
The Year One children will be developing their artistic skills by learning how to print in the style of the artist Karen Lederer.
Our Design and Technology learning will provide us with opportunities to understand material and textiles.
Year One Religious Education learning at the beginning of the term will be finding the answer to the question, 'Why was Jesus special?' After half term we will be learning about the Christian festival of Easter, celebrating new life and beginnings.
We would be delighted if the children read for 10 minutes each night.
Each week the children will bring home a set of spellings to practise linked to their phonics teaching. The weekly spell check is on a Friday morning.
On a Friday the children will bring home either a Maths or English homework task. Homework should be returned to school by Wednesday.
Look what we have been up to!
TT Rockstar Day!
Cuisine Creators
Happy Historians