Year 6 2024 - 2025


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There are lots of great things to look forward to this in Year 6 during 2024-25. You can find all of the information you need about what we will be covering in Year 6 Long Term Plans in the 'Files to Download' section at the bottom of the page.


Spring Term Year One.JPG


Spring 25

Welcome to the Year 6 Web page. I am really looking forward to our second term together.

There are lots of things to look forward to this term.

In English we are starting some work around the book All aboard The Empire Windrush by Jillian Powell and on old fayouritr Holes by Louis Sachar which we will get some excellent writing from.

Maths we will be doing lots of revision and will be boosting our knowledge as well as completing topics on Ratio, Decimals, Fractions and Percentages, Area, Reimeter and Volume and rome work on Statistics and Conversions

We are going to work really hard using the quickest strategies we can in our Arithmetic sessions.



Our overall theme is the Windrush Generation. 

As part of our RE learning we will be visiting St Thomas's to participate in The Eucharist Servive.

PSHE this half term is about Keeping Safe and our Christian Value is Hope

Dates For Your Diary

Wednesday 22nd January History Curriculum Day

Friday 24th January Pyjama Day 

Monday 3rd and Tuesday 4th February Life Education Caravan

Monday 3rd February SAT's Presentation for Parents

Thursday 13th February Parents Evening

Thursday 6th March World Book Day

Wednesday 12th March Science Curriculum Day

Friday 4th April Non-Uniform Day

I will update these when possible.More details closer to the time will appear on DOJO

Take Care and Stay Safe

Mrs Fairclough

Some learning from Autumn 2

IMG_6188.JPG       IMG_6189.JPG  Group recordings about Letters From THe Lighthouse.


PSHE work                         RE- Multifaith Day


All information is also avaiable via Year 6's Dojo page on request.





Files to Download

St Thomas's C.E. Primary School
Hodnet Drive,
Ashton in Makerfield,
Wigan WN4 8PQ
Main Contact: Miss Suzanne Burgess
SEN Contact: Mrs Fairclough