Year 3 2024 - 2025

Year 3.PNG

Welcome to the Spring Term! 



This term, Year Three will be learning all about

The Romans in History.

Romans pic.PNG


In English, we will be reading the book 'Pompeii'.

Escape from Pompeii pic.PNG

We will be writing a diary entry about a day in the life of a Roman soldier.

We will also be reading the book 'The Hodgeheg'.

The Hodgeheg pic.PNG

We will be doing lots of reading comprehension about the book.


In Geography, we will learning about The United Kingdom, its coutries, counties and other facts.

Fieldwork and Mapping.PNG

In Design and Technology, we will be doing Food Tech, making healthy chips and fruity yoghurts.

 Cooking Chips.PNGHealthy Chips.PNG



In Art we will be studying 'Textiles' and learning about

the artist Faith Ringgold.

Textile Artist Faith Ringfold.PNGFaith Ringfold Art.PNG

In Science we will be learning about 'Rocks and Soils'

Rocks and Soils.PNG


as well as having an exciting 'Volcanoes' workshop.

Volcano pic.PNG


In RE we will be developing our learning of 'Jesus' The Man who changed lives.

Jesus the man who changed lives pic.PNG

Our Christian Value we are exploring this half term is 



We are looking forward to lots of learning, hard work and fun

over the next term!

Dates for your diary

Wednesday 22nd January - History Curriculum Day.

We are learning about the significant person 'John Logie Baird'

who invented the first television and how television

brought communities together.


Thursday 23rd January - Volcanoes Workshop

Friday 24th January - Pyjama Day

Monday 3rd and Tuesday 4th February - Life Education Caravan

Thursday 13th February - Parent's Evening

Friday 14th February - Class Assembly 'Love'

Thursday 6th March - World Book Day

Wednesday 12th March - Science Curriculum Day

Friday 4th April - Non Uniform Day




Autumn Term in Year Three

PSHE Days doing activities and drama and discussions.


World Multi Faith Day: Christianity Around The World


Art: Painting & Drawing



DT: How to make a box out of fabric.


 IMG_8485.JPG IMG_8494.JPG

Art: Printing


Road Safety



Christmas Panto: Dick Whittington





To find a full overview of the topics covered in Year 3, download the Year 3 Long Term Plans in the Files to Download section at the bottom of this page. 

Files to Download

St Thomas's C.E. Primary School
Hodnet Drive,
Ashton in Makerfield,
Wigan WN4 8PQ
Main Contact: Miss Suzanne Burgess
SEN Contact: Mrs Fairclough