Year 2 2024 - 2025
Welcome to the Year Two Class Page
Class Teacher: Miss Croft
Support staff: Miss Ellison, Mrs Coomes & Mrs Karikari
I would like to welcome you all to the Year Two class page. Year Two marks the last year in Key Stage One and is always a fun, busy, exciting year!
As the daffodils start to bloom and the chicks begin to hatch, the children in Year Two will have fantastic opportunities for more exciting learning.
Our Christian Value this half term is Hope.
Our new author of the term for spring is Mairi Hedderwick. We will be exploring her book 'Katie Morag Delivers the Mail' within English using it to sequence, write a letter and write their own story based on Katie Morag. A wide variety of Mairi Hedderwick's books are on display in our class library ready for children to explore.
The focus for Maths this term is to consolidate our place value and addition and subtraction skills to calculate with Money before moving onto Measurement.
As part of our History this term, we will be exploring significant historical events, people and places in our own locality; Ashton-in-Makerfield. The Year Two children are excellent historians!
Within Geography, we will be comparing London and Nairobi identifying the human and physcial features. This carries on from our learning in Autumn term where we learnt what human and physical features are and identified these within our locality.
Within Science, the topic this term is 'Animals Including Humans'. Within this topic, children learn about animal and human life cycles with emphasis on the basic needs of animals and what humans need to keep their bodies healthy.
Exciting Learning from Spring One!
Food and Nutrition in DT - We have been learning about health and nutrition in DT. To support our learning to make healthy food choices, we made tortilla quiches using wraps, spring onion, tomatoes, egg and cheese. We then put our tortilla quiches in the oven for 17 minutes and they were ready to enjoy. The children loved them and even made them at home with their grown ups!
Everyday Materials in Science - to conclude our learning from Autumn Term on Everyday Materials, we conducted an investigation to see which material would be best to make a bucket out of. In 1666, they used leather to make buckets to carry the water. We concluded that the best material was plastic or metal. Look at the fun we had testing the materials.
Life Education Visit in PSHE - We had a special visit from Sophie, who shared with us her top tips to staying healthy and happy. Harold the Giraffe even came along for a special visit, too!
Fire Service Visit - As a special treat for our end of topic learning, we had a fantastic afternoon with the fire service. They visited us in their fire engine and let us try on their protective clothing. Year Two had such a fun afternoon!
General Reminders
- Our P.E days are on a Monday and Thursday
- Every Monday afternoon, Mrs Karikari will teach your child R.E and P.E
- For breaktime, one snack should be brought into school with a bottle filled with water, only.
- Earrings may be worn but only studs and they must be removed on P.E days, we cannot take them out or put plasters over them.
- Daily reading is expected at home. Please sign and date the reading record so an adult can pick it up in school. Your child will read in school with an adult a minimum of twice a week and have their book changed accordingly. If your child finishes their level book at home, please take the opportunity to re-read your child's book and ask questions to improve comprehension skills.
- Spellings and homework are given out every Friday. Homework is due in for the following Wednesday and our spelling test takes place every Friday morning. Spellings are tailored to match the Phonics taught within school and also include a mixture of common exception words.
- This year, your child will be introduced to TT Rockstars. This supports your child in learning their 2's, 5's and 10's timestables.
Ways to help your child
- Please ensure your child is on time for school each day; the doors open at 8:25am and learning starts promptly after registration
- Listen to your child read daily and write a comment in their reading record books
- Talk to your child about their school day
- Ensure that your child learns their spellings
- Ensure all homework is carefully completed in pencil and handed in on time
- Teach your child the time and the concept of money
Useful websites and games to support learning:
Dates this term:
World Book Day - Thursday 6th March 2025
PFA Break the Rules Day - Friday 7th March 2025
Science Curriculum Day - Monday 31st March 2025
Parents, I am delighted to be teaching your child this year and I hope it will be a very happy and successful year for all of us.
Thank you for your support. Please do not hesitate to come and see me or message me on Dojo if you wish to discuss your child's wellbeing.
Make sure you keep up to date by checking Class Dojo.
Thanks to Wigan Today for allowing us to use their photograph.